Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-06-07

  • Tottered back from picnics to Eynsham and fell asleep for an hour. Now reading through house documentation. Ugh. #
  • Video of the Kingsnorth Six went live yesterday on Greenpeace's site: hooray! It all works! #
  • RT @owenblacker: Disgusted at neo-Nazi English "Democrat" Steve Uncles mocking Chris Lightfoot's death #theEDParetwats #
  • Ohhh, two wagtails flirting on the lawn outside Unit 8.... Er, doing more than flirting now. #ilikebirds #
  • @frankegerton it's a big, wide web out there. Some bits you're only likely to come across if you're, um, a certain sort of person. #
  • RT @bloggerheads Youth BNP's 'Billy Brit' YouTube account closed! #theBNParetwats #
  • @wesayso clicking from to leads to poor layout in Firefox. At least Santorini on Bing looks pretty. #whatastinker #
  • A day of building test frameworks, pulling apart technical specs and drafting discovery documents. The thing is, I've actually enjoyed it. #
  • Cotswolds was heartbreakingly beautiful on cycle ride home. Red kites overhead, rabbits diving into hedges, horses and ponies. #
  • @hatmandu sorry, it's gone now #
  • RT @robmanuel Why I wish Douglas Adams had stopped smoking - feeling thoughtful today, and wrote it up: #
  • #ukbirds OX7 Red kite x2 #
  • @benwerd #ukbirds not aggregated yet, but @tomd has some thoughts. Mostly we wanted to show off that we'd seen red kites, though. #
  • #climatechange is here. 300k deaths pa, 325m seriously affected, 500m at extreme risk, 4bn vulnerable via @jonleighton #
  • @addedentry mentioning opposition to nuclear, GM food and vivisection in same para is a bit simplistic. Who outside nuke industry wants it? #
  • Don't vote for the BNP because they're fascists; don't vote for the Greens because they're anti-science. #
  • Don't vote for Labour because they're a moral vacuum. Don't vote for UKIP because they're ignorant racists. #
  • But whatever you do, don't not vote, or spoil your vote: if you do, then the BNP or UKIP or the Christian Party will get in. Happy voting! #
  • Don't vote for Lib Dems because they lie on their election literature; don't vote for the Tories because they're Tories #
  • I'm voting Green because they get climate change, the nuclear con and public transport. #
  • When the Greens get in I'll press them on any actual bad science, once I stop partying. #
  • @bluedevi @brighty I'm actually glad the Greens, while being slightly flaky and hippy, have more attempts at scientific policy than average. #
  • @bluedevi @brighty Rather elect bright hippies and flakes and steer them towards evidence-based meds, than have anti-climate or anti-welfare #
  • Croissants and coffee - a perfect start to a morning #
  • @purserhallard "It's getting hot in here (uh-huh) so go and cast your vote?" #
  • If you think Greens flaky, Tories join forces with anti-scientific anti-gay climate-change-denialist Polish right-wing #
  • Broadly who to vote for in the EU Elections (via @garrettc). Usual 2-axis plot, but glad it put me where expected. #
  • Just voted. Everyone else, go and do the same if you haven't already! #
  • Since letting (unused) lapse, I've had at least half a dozen offers to sell it to me. Trying to work out the #capitalism #fail. #
  • "Don't think - your area - unlikely to vote BNP - thought they'd do poorly here but last time - more votes than UKIP" #
  • Just automated a #unittest against #drupal: log in; grab add-blogpost form; insert values; submit it; log out and view new post. It works! #
  • @argle Selenium's proved useful for pure in-browser testing, but we want server-side integration too. Did originally want db access, for ex. #
  • Bonn Square paved over. Six months on, filling up with idiots again. Bravo! #
  • KR02 UMV licence 410 on double yellows in bike lane on Park End St #taxifail #
  • Ugh. Too hot, too muggy, too restless, too heartburny, too dawnchorusy to sleep. And now too tired. #
  • @wesayso slides also up shortly on OGN site - been a bit of a busy week.... #ogn #
  • svn merge, svn ci, svn revert, svn up, svn merge, svn ci, svn up, svn cp, svn ci, svn up. FML. #
  • @seamusmccauley In the early days, air travel was something glamorous. Now it's more like perpetrating a crime #
  • RT @griffinkate An e-democracy #followfriday recommendation @oxfordshirecc will be tweeting the results of the Oxon County Council elections #
  • Slides and videos now available for #ogn 12 talks - #
  • All the unit tests in the world won't stop me hating golive days. #
  • Feel like death warmed up today. Actually, a bit chillier than that. #
  • Dear elderly relatives: if someone emails you and 20 others with a dire warning they didn't write themselves, it's almost certainly a hoax. #
  • Keynote speakers for #ogn 12: Andrew Walkingshaw, @timetric; Bruce Lawson, @opera #
  • @paulcarr writes about Twitter, again. Way to get tweeted about, though: #
  • @rhodri at least it's not written by The Register. "How Twitter hates your freedom and fakes climate change to penetrate your tinfoil hats." #
  • Running a test Django application on local Google App Engine, thanks to notes from Nick: #
  • Curses. Development machine in the office is down. I can probably go back to bed, though. #
  • Should be at Bury Knowle fair in Headington today, but the weather looks awful: rain, thunder, sleet! Meanwhile, toast, tea and back to bed. #

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