Successful OGN 13: free drinks, good speakers, hilarious pratfall

I've finally recovered from this week's Oxford Geek Night 13. As usual, it seems like everyone had a great time; as usual, I was running round too much to notice. Free drinks from the Guardian Open Platform almost certainly helped.

As usual the talks were a really high standard, with great keynote talks from Andrew Walkingshaw and Bruce Lawson. And while the previous midsummer OGN was pretty quiet, this time the Jericho was practically heaving. The crowds came in quite handy in the end, as only a handful of people noticed when the beercrate step onto the stage disappeared from under my feet as I was climbing up it, and I landed in a clumsy heap back on the pub floor. That Fentiman's ginger beer is powerful stuff.

Anyway, in a fit of organizing I've also booked the next two OGNs for Wednesday 23 September (OGN14) and Wednesday 25 November (OGN15). Anyone wanting to do a 5-minute microslot talk at either of these should submit the details as early as possible. Sixty-second open-mic Pitches can be communicated via any medium: comments here, separate emails or messages on Twitter (@jpstacey).

(Thanks again to all the sponsors: Torchbox, Guardian Open Platform, Friends of Ed and Moo.)