Raised bed bears fruit

Long-time readers (you poor dears) will remember that I spent some of winter building a raised bed out of pallet wood. Following those instructions, you can probably do it too.

But why would you want to? Well, we now have lots of food growing in our raised bed. Not only has it been really easy to plant and tend the crops - hardly any effort at all, once the last nail and spadeful of dirt had been put in place - but they've grown like billy-o, even more so since those photos were taken. We've also planted squashes and lettuces in the final few squares, so we're making really good use of the ground. More and more it feels like an assembled raised bed is a basis for experimentation: like a chemistry lab, or an electronics testing board; only it also yields free food!

With all this in mind: if you fancy being entirely swamped with the aptly named perpetual spinach, why not join us and build your own raised bed? Hello? Is anyone reading this? Only... I can't quite see my laptop screen....