Basic and intermediate git

Git's great, like all distributed version control systems (DVCS.) The small axiomatic change between the old VCSes and newer DVCSes leads to a real step change in how you manage, and envision, your projects' source control. If you're still on subversion or CVS, you should have a roadmap for upgrading to a DVCS.

I'm no expert in git myself, but I enjoy pottering around in git's internals a bit more than most developers. So I recently agreed to do two talks (it turned into three) for everyone else at Torchbox, on how git works, how to use it, and how to get more out of it in practice. Here are the relevant slides:

Hope they're of some use. They should be self-explanatory, but maybe some of them need more notes: let me know if so.

As I said above, I'm no expert myself: but that hasn't stopped people recommending me on LinkedIn for "git". Even my contacts who aren't programmers and who know nothing about version control. Especially them. Make of that fact what you will.