Pop videos in the 1990s

The 1990s were apparently a time when pop stars had to run around like they were in a speeded-up Benny Hill chase sequence, while wearing ludicrously over-saturated colours which became more muted as the decade progressed:

(Pop is Dead, Radiohead, 1993)

(Country House, Blur, 1995)

(I Wanna be a Hippy, Technohead, 1995)

(Much Against Everyone's Advice, Soulwax, 1998)

It's very likely, looking back, that my own personal wardrobe opted out of the entire decade. My exercise régime certainly did.


Another one:

(Perseverance, Terrorvision, 1996)

And another, although in monochrome:

(Ebeneezer Goode, The Shamen, 1992)

The dance remix of Tequila by Terrorvision was clearly considered so much more frantic than the original that it had to have speeded-up video:

(Tequila, Terrovision, 1998)