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It's not at all clear what you mean by "migrating taxonomies": do you mean migrating each vocabulary "container" for the terms, or the terms themselves? Your link is also broken.

If the former, then no, because there was only half a dozen vocabularies and they were quick to set up in D7 (also, they needed to be rearranged). If the latter, then yes. To migrate terms, you can either:

  1. Migrate node content, and assign-and-create terms on the fly. This is straightforward but won't e.g. migrate your term hierarchy; and terms are checked for already-existing (within a given vocabulary) by term label, so duplicates in different parts of your original hierarchy could be collapsed down during the migration.
  2. Migrate terms first, using MigrateDestinationTerm. Then treat the term reference field on the node as any other reference field and use ->sourceMigration() to reference your terms migration. Make sure you also add the terms migration as a dependency on your node migration; otherwise, you might accidentally lose some terms.

All of this, by the way, has nothing to do with where the database is stored (remote machine or otherwise): that's handled at a completely different level. If you've managed to get access to the data at that lower level, then Migrate doesn't really care where the data is coming from.