Webform integrates with Entity Token...

but only from 4.x onwards, it seems.

We have a specific client requirement on Drupal 7, to use webforms to update both a third-party CRM system and local “Drupal storage”: whatever that ends up meaning.

It turns out that the excellent Profile2 module provides us with better storage than D7’s core profile module (which doesn’t even use Field API, unlike the rest of D7!) We were always expecting to have to write the CRM/local updating ourselves, but piping those profile values - Profile2 doesn’t modify the $user object in the same way as Profile - into the webforms was a chunk of work we wanted to avoid.

Luckily, as of the 4.x branch, Webform seems to support token replacement; the Entity Token module (part of the Entity API project) lets entities expose themselves as tokens; and Profile2 uses this to hook itself up to Webform. It all works pretty well, although we’re crossing our fingers for a non-alpha release on Webform’s 4.x branch